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Lee, Wache (Patrick)

Language: Chinese, English,

Speciality: Traditional Decorative Arts in Temple

Tour Itinerary:
  • Dadaocheng Historical Walk

  • Temple Walk

I am Patrick. I like philosophy, culture, and art. Recently, I have been fascinated with meanings behind the traditional decorative arts in temples. Those exquisite artifacts and paintings not only have great artistic value but also hold copious memories between the people and land. The folktales and first-hand accounts, which I've learned on my visits to temples and old streets, from my fellow tour guides or the local people, are as much riveting as inspiring. Freeing me from the overly material and rational world, the anecdotes, myths, and legends are therapeutic and soothing. If you are tired of sightseeing trips, you can always walk with us to discover what these beautiful architecture and masterpieces of folk art can offer. 

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